3 Responses

  1. Stu

    Looks great Palla. Makes me think of experimental Russian cinema of early 1900’s. It seems you can create very complex images using digital techniques.

  2. palla

    Some concepts of Russian constructivism give me many fine idea …By the way you can discover the swastik form in that movie for a split second.

  3. Paula

    i watched the DVD last week (Stu is my friend & loaned me the DVD) & was stunned, the work is incredibly beautiful & seductive.
    my housemate, his girlfriend & another friend have watched it with me also, so far everyone has been very impressed & it has promoted quite a bit of discussion.
    yesterday my friend & i talked about them & the symbolic imagery inherant in them, what’s there (such as swastikas, stars, mandalas) are things that are present in nature & have recurred in sacred & religious iconography in many cultures (sacred geometry) which i’m sure you are aware of.
    i love how they start out rather banal & then turn into these exquisite mandalas.
    Brion Gysin was bought up quite a number of times also..