10 Responses

  1. toph

    Has some of the characteristics of a partially populated surface-mount printed circuit board in background view.

  2. Stu

    Or a flower head…?

  3. Eduardo Marquetti

    The PLUS [+] this site deserve in the http://www.photoblogs.org 🙂

  4. Stu

    indeed 😉

  5. palla

    What is the next step of series "symmetry"? : )

  6. Stu

    Hmmmm… that’s a difficult one. You may have exhausted all possibilities.

  7. oto

    Great stuff!
    I’m sure you’ve had a break-through.
    This image remainds me of a charactor in the video game "xevious". Others also look like some si-fi movie’s set. I suppose these works show a reversed access to "fractal" conception.

  8. Bin

    Terrific concept, well-executed!

  9. palla

    Thanks Oto and Bin!
    The fractal conception is extended inner space, the seamless conception is outer on the other hand… I think that those have a relationship inside out. That is interested.
    I’m really happy about great suggestion by/discuss with many many bloggers/friends for my works : )

  10. /root

    makes me kind of paranoid,
    and edgy at the same time.
    in a good way.
    thank you for pleasing my eye, my mind.
    it reminds me of medication.